Monday, October 19, 2009

Couple Talk 10.18.09

Spiritual Satisfaction
Do you feel God is satisfied with where you are in your spiritual life right now? Share with your spouse your thoughts about yourself and some changes that could help you to grow spiritually.

Spiritual Leadership
Several issues cause some men to think that they can't be spiritual leaders for their family. Just know that it does not mean you have to be a great teacher. In fact, most of us are not teachers. Neither does it mean you have to be a better communicator than your wife. It does mean you will have a genuine, growing relationship with Jesus. It means you will serve Jesus and openly live for Him. It means you will study the Bible and talk openly about your faith. It means you set the tone for your family and lead by example. Share with your wife your thoughts about the following:
  • Things you currently do to show your commitment to Jesus
  • What you would like to do, but may be afraid to try of feel you don't know how to do them
  • Ways your wife can encourage or help you be a spiritual leader
Each of you has expectations for your marriage. Using a scale of one to ten, with one meaning "you definitely do not understand my expectations," indicate how well you think your spouse really understands what you expect and need in the following areas. Make sure you understand each other and then agree on steps to better meet each other's expectations for each area.
  • Intimacy and closeness
  • Romance
  • Sexual fulfillment
Comparing Notes
Take a few moments of alone time for each of you to write your answers to the following questions. Then come together and discuss your answers.
  1. What are the positive aspects of your love life?
  2. What changes do you need to make as a couple so your love life can be fresh and growing?
  3. What do you want your love life to look like in ten years? What will you do now to begin moving in that direction?
Help Needed
If you would like the Pastor to recommend a counselor or book to read, email him at (Emails sent to this address go directly to the Pastor and will remain confidential.)

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