Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Couple Talk 10.11.09

Words have power for good or bad, and we are responsible for the words that come out of our mouth. When we're upset or having an argument with our spouse, we must be especially careful. Below are some questions for you and your spouse to answer/discuss to see if you are on track with God's plan for your speech.

Each of you are to choose the response you think best describes yourself and your spouse. Then discuss your choices.

1. Are you quarrlesome? Do you have a need to prove you are right or have the last word?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

2. Are you hot tempered and defensive? Do you get angry easily?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

3. Are you reluctant to admit when you're wrong?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

4. Do you make assumptions about your spouse and assign motives to what they do?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

5. Do you hold grudges against your spouse and bring up past hurts when discussing a new issue?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

6. Do you use sarcasm and negative humor to put your spouse down?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

7. Do you use harsh words that cut and wound your spouse?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

8. Do you fail to listen? Do you jump to conclusions before you fully hear what your spouse is saying?
__Never __Seldom __Occasionally __Often __Habitually

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