Monday, September 21, 2009

Couple Talk 09.20.09

Read: Genesis 1:26-28 and 1 Peter 3:7
God obviously made men and women different, even though both are created in His image. Peter tells us to live together with understanding or knowledge.

How well do you and your spouse understand each other? Do you think your spouse really understands you?

How are the two of you different (not just physical differences)? Make a list of the top five ways you are different.

Are these differences a source of tension and conflict? If so, why?

Do you have negative attitudes toward these differences that prevent you from blessing each other and developing the oneness that God intends?

Have you allowed conflict over these differences to harden into inappropriate attitudes and behaviors that are damaging your relationship?

List the advantages of your differences. How can they bless your marriage? How can your spouse's uniqueness bless you?

Do you celebrate the positive contributions your spouse's uniqueness can bring to your marriage, or are you more focused on trying to change one another?

Husbands, do you ever try to make your wife act more like a man?
Wives, do you ever try to make your husband act more like a woman?

Husbands, what do you do to make your wife feel like a woman? Ladies, does it work? Does he make you feel like a woman often enough? Do you have any suggestions for your husband?

Wives, what do you do to make you husband feel like a man? Men, does it work? Does she make you feel like a man often enough? Do yo have any suggestions for your wife?

Share with each other the one thing you will do differently because of this discussion.

This discussion probably identified something each of you does that hurts your spouse. If so, ask his/her forgiveness.

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